People I know

I have had many a rumination about the way people act and the motives behind the same. Let me tell you a story then.

Damu comes from a very decent background. His father is an established lawyer and his mother is a renowned artist. His lineage is as established as his love for his whiskers. He has been the one eye through which both his parents have seen the joys of parenting and the ensuing responsibilities.

Damu is in college and is part of a discussion.

Damu says to his friend,

‘Can this be a work of the beatles?’

Kris says,

‘ But I am talking about politics’

Damu says

‘You must be a fan of Bob Dylan then..’ Damu snickers away to glory.

Damu likes everything which is associated with intellectual coolness. Say what about the retro posters and marked verbal and non-verbal overtures alluding to a liking for the late-twentieth century association between music and cultural movements across the developed world. Interestingly he is funny guy, one who is able to make people laugh with him rather than at him. 

But what has really made me write about Damu is illustrated in the following conversation.

Damu saya with a note of brevity and nonchalance

‘Things like this tend to happen’

Ron says with a note of surprise at Damu’s attitude to an event of personal grief to Damu

‘But aren’t you worried about things like this happening to you?’

Damu maintains his air of nonchalance

‘Do I look like I care?’

But I sit back and think about another event that had happened sometime back.

Damu says with a note of concern.

‘Don’t talk like that to me. What will people think of me?’

And I know if Damu cares or not. I know if Damu is really cool or not. I know.

But then human emotions are like water. They rise, drop, flow, rise and ebb in unstoppable continuum with very little rhyme or reason. I now know that it doesn’t matter if I know or not.

Damu is a jolly good fellow.

Doc n Doc

Last few minutes of the day. Fatigue in my nerves and a good buddy beside my glass of vodka.

Me: But what happened today at work?

Anoop: Chuck work man,..let’s discuss something else.

Me: What do you think about the saree man? I love the saree. I have not seen any decent research on this piece of garment which has attracted me so much. I mean there is so much to it. It can be used in a lot of ways from being conservative to being amorous.

Anoop: Know what,…in Kerala the saree has evolved so much and for that matter the ‘mundu’ is what used to be and the blouse is a addition of recent years

Me: Yeah man, that reminds me about a recent Supreme court judgement in which the judge had compared the addition of a blouse in the attire of women with Kerala to justify the ban on Jallikattu in Tamilnadu. And I am kind of mixed man in my response to it.

Anoop: But these kinds of things are part of the socio-cultural milieu. We have the huge spanish bulls which are let loose on the streets every year, and of course we have the matadors and bull-fights.

Me: Kerala is a beautiful place man

Anoop: You should visit Kerala once man. I will take you to some beautiful places which are not mainstream.

Me: India is a beautiful country. I mean,…we have so much variety and so much to discover in this country.

Anoop:One of my friends who stays in the U.S commented about the hypocrisy of India. That was the last straw. I mean people get so enamoured with that country.

Me: Yeah man,..think about it,..most of my cousins are in the U.S and some more are work in progress. I simply do not understand. Our country will soon be a country of faggots, old buggers who have sent their kids to the U.S and a few patriots like us.

Anoop: U shud visit Kerala once man. It is a beautiful place.

Data loss due to muddled mind…

Anoop: But why don’t people understand the potential that is India. I mean we know english, are intelligent. Soon we can become a 24/7 nation man. Catering to the needs of the entire world.

Me: But what about that cable which got cut a few days back? We shud sue Egypt man.

Data loss again

Anoop: Let’s call her man

Me: Let me get her number

We lambast a fellow mallu over the phone. Drunken laughter.

Me: Let’s go and talk to Zerin.

Drunken Hi to Zerin and Abhisar.

Expression of surprise and mocking smiles on the face. Expression of “Bloody drunkards on face”

Me: Well done Gerrad,…

Loud guffaws of laughter from Anoop and Abhisar. I am anywayz laughing at my joke.

Me: Tell me one thing, why do u watch a match between teams which are only bound by a thread of financial considerations?

Somebody in the room agrees with me

Me: There is no such thing as a team Liverpool or Team Arsenal. Why do u watch these matches man?

Anoop: And Liverpool is such a small place man. I mean, not even the size of Kerala. Kerala is a beautiful place man. How can u respect a team which names itself after that place man? (Laughs at his own joke,..I don’t remember if I laughed or not)

Data loss due to u know what

Me: We never had dinner

Anoop: Didn’t we have dinner?

Me: I am going to have dinner.

Anoop: But didn’t we have dinner?

Data loss due to u know what?

Zerin: When did u guys start drinking?

Anoop: I drink MC because it is cheap

Me: Why don’t u drink with us?



Fancy items in Metros

1. Madras


2. Calcutta


3. Bombay


4. Delhi